How to Accelerate Your Journey in Learning Dentistry
Discover effective strategies and tips to accelerate your journey in learning dentistry.
In this transformative episode, Shawn Zajas sits down with Lori Bulloch, a wellness advocate and dental hygienist, to delve into the profound intersections between personal wellness and professional growth. Lori’s journey is a testament to the power of authenticity, self-discovery, and the pursuit of one’s true calling.
The conversation kicks off with Lori’s illuminating insights on the importance of living authentically. She emphasizes the need to align our actions with our heart’s desires, rejecting societal pressures to conform. Lori believes that embracing our unique strengths and passions is the key to living a fulfilling, purpose-driven life.
Shawn, deeply inspired by Lori’s perspective, probes further into her journey as a dental hygienist and wellness advocate. Lori recalls the challenges she faced in balancing the demands of her profession with her desire to promote holistic well-being. She narrates her pivotal moment of realization: the realization that wellness isn’t just a physical endeavor, but a harmonious integration of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Their conversation takes a compelling turn as they discuss the impact of self-discovery on professional growth. Lori advocates for listening to the inner voice that guides us towards our true purpose. She urges individuals to release the fear of the unknown and to step out of their comfort zones. Lori’s own journey exemplifies this; her transition from a dental hygienist to a wellness advocate and yoga instructor is a testament to the transformative power of following one’s calling.
As the conversation deepens, Lori shares practical strategies for nurturing wellness in the dental industry. She introduces the concept of “personal PPE” – a symbolic practice of donning emotional armor to protect oneself from negative energies. This simple yet powerful technique empowers dental professionals to maintain their emotional well-being amidst the challenges of their field.
Shawn is visibly moved by Lori’s authenticity and wisdom. He applauds her for not only embracing her calling but also for extending a hand to uplift others. Lori’s approach to wellness is inclusive and encouraging; she believes that everyone deserves to experience the profound benefits of a balanced, wholehearted life.
The conversation shifts towards Lori’s latest endeavor: a television program aimed at promoting wellness in her local community. This leap into television is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking for Lori. It’s an opportunity to expand her reach and inspire even more individuals to prioritize their well-being.
Lori’s story serves as a powerful reminder that, while the path to authenticity may be fraught with uncertainty, it is ultimately the most rewarding journey one can undertake. Her willingness to let go of preconceived notions and embrace her unique path has not only transformed her own life but has also become a beacon of inspiration for others.
In closing, Shawn commends Lori for her unwavering commitment to wellness and her dedication to uplifting those around her. Her story is a testament to the incredible transformation that occurs when we have the courage to follow our hearts, even in the face of uncertainty. Lori’s journey is a reminder that each of us has the power to step into our true selves and create a life filled with purpose, passion, and profound well-being.
Connect with Lori Bulloch
YouTube: bit.ly/OneWholeheartedHygienist
W: letsbreatheyoga.com
Lori Bulloch 00:00
Have fun explore that freedom of like hopping a little bit and letting the rope out a little and just flying almost. And so I’ve learned in my life that because I trust God and Jesus is in my tree, my anchor to hold me and then I trust that there’s people supporting me. I’ve started to get better at hopping.
Shawn Zajas 00:22
The future of dentistry belongs to the innovators. Welcome to innovation in dentistry. I’m your host, Shawn Zajas. And I believe that the future of dentistry is going to be unbelievably great over the next decade in two decades. But the question isn’t that the question is, are you going to be part of what makes dentistry great? Okay, so I could not be more excited today to have with me,Lori Bulloch. And before we get into this, and I set you up, let me just say, Lori, thank you so much for letting me interview you today.
Lori Bulloch 01:06
Of course, thank you for the opportunity.
Shawn Zajas 01:09
Okay, so innovation in dentistry can mean so many different things. I mean, there’s clinical innovation, you know, Euro hygenist, there’s technological innovation, you know, software that comes in and just disrupts the industry. But regardless of either of those types of innovation, it all starts with somebody that’s just crazy enough to say, why not me? Like, why can I be the one that steps up that leads and pioneers some sort of change some sort of positive disruption? Because they just bet on themselves? You know, they have that mindset that goes, Why not me? So Laurie, what was it about you that all of a sudden, it’s like you’re being a hygienist, being a hygienist is awesome. But you decided, You know what, there’s more to what I can do in dentistry. Tell me about that.
Lori Bulloch 01:59
You bet. So my dad is a dentist. So I grew up just totally hearing the dental stories around the table and grew to love it. And so when he, you know, in seventh grade, I started walking over there and typing schedules and pulling chart files and everything. And he just kind of let me grow into the practice. And I assisted for him and then went to college and came back as a hygienist. So I would say, I have been in the dental world my whole life for I mean, I was born when he was in dental school, I forgot to mention that tidbit. So all my life, I’ve been a dental world, and I would say 20 ish years into being a hygienist, you get to that point where you’re like, oh, I don’t know about this. And I did hit that point. And pandemic came, our office shut down, I had an opportunity to certify as a yoga instructor, actually. So one other thing that I have is a passion. And that opens so many doors inside of me, my confidence, my ability to sit still with myself long enough to meditate and have some really beautiful experiences. My awareness of how important health is my awareness of Mind Body Spirit connection, so many things. And from there, I when our office opened, I started to work a little bit less and to save space for other things. And then it was like, Okay, what else and I had another opportunity to do a natural health educator course. So a one year certification. Now, I’m a natural health educator, and I do a coaching program for people and it’s just like, again, the doors opened, and it’s mostly doors that opened inside of me, I’m just gonna say that again, because it was my mind and heart going, hey, I can do other things. I’m good at hygiene, I, you know, kind of got it figured out mostly and I can do other things and then starting to try to weave all that together to is still happening inside of me just trying to figure out how do I support my dental friends? In all this wellness and learning that I’ve been doing? So I’ve tried several things and, and it’s fun, but I would say, well, that’s the answer to that question. I do have lots of ideas, but go ahead with your next thought.
Shawn Zajas 04:27
So tell me what is a natural health educator.
Lori Bulloch 04:32
Okay, so I certified through my mentor Cynthia Sumner. She lives in Utah, and she has a whole course called whole healing. And she has this beautiful material that teaches wellness principles. There’s 12 of them. And so each week, we went through a wellness principle and at the end of the 12 weeks, I was like, hey, I want more. I’m ready for more. What else have you got? And she said, Well, do you want to do my coaching program and I said Yes. So I went on and did the rest of the, you know, it took several months. So I would say through the process, I was experimenting with my own health, like recovering from mental health issues, chronic constipation, musculoskeletal disorders, all of that journey that I’ve been on. But it felt like it all accelerated through changing how I nourish my body, how I rest, how I exercise and move and how I just perceive things. And so it’s been really fun for me to just have a certification so that I can share that with confidence with other people. And one thing that I get to do that’s really new is be on a TV show. So in my local town, I’ll be doing a cable TV program, that’s 12 weeks, and they’ll run it 50 times a month for a year. And they said that it’ll just be, you know, kind of whatever I want. They’re letting me have fun with it. So I’m gonna go into the studio and teach these wellness principles, do some stretching and breathing. And hopefully, people can get off the couch for a minute and just move with me and then learn a wellness principle every month. So it’s just fun. It’s just fun to explore different things and try to contribute to the, to the welfare of humankind.
Shawn Zajas 06:25
Well, so tell me, Lori, this seems like the pace in your life now is different than the first 20 years of being a hygienist. Now, I know you have a family, how much of it is, you know, the kids got a little older, they’re there, you know, there wasn’t as much demands on me. And now all of a sudden, you know, COVID hits. And I realize I have more autonomy or more freedom, like like, yeah, did that coincide at all?
Lori Bulloch 06:53
Exactly. So when my boys, we have three sons, when my boys were little, I would think, Ah, I’m never gonna make it through this. There’s so you know, there were five, three, and one and just busy and crazy and hard to raise and all the things that young moms understand. And I was working very part time. At that time. My dad let me work one day a month, I think I worked one day a week at a more local office to me at the time. And so I would call my work my paid vacation. In that stage of my life. Try not to let my boss hear that so much. But it felt like a paid vacation because dad was in charge at home. I was at work clean, sterile environment schedule. Anyway, um, so it did it shifted. As they all got in school, I picked up a little bit more work, as they all started to move on now that they’re all graduated from high school. Yeah, it’s just timing seasons, and it just feels like, like you said, the pace of my life has changed. So it was busy mom with a little hygiene, that it was mom, kids are in school, more hygiene. And yeah, it’s just evolved. And that’s one of the things I love about this profession. And I try to tell young people who ask if I love my job, it is awesome for being a mom. That’s one thing that I’ve so appreciated that when my kids were little, especially because I worked for my dad, I was able to do you know, kind of adjust every school year, we would kind of look at it and say, well, the bus leaves at this time, so and so needs a nap grandma’s willing to do this, let’s do this, and just adjust. And, you know, not everyone gets that. That much flexibility. But really, it is an awesome job for balancing, as I’ve always tried to balance my work and my life. But lately, the balance has shifted in a really fun way even more so.
Shawn Zajas 08:43
So don’t think I’m going to not dive deeper into the TV opportunity, because I’m incredibly fascinated by that. But before we get there, so like over 15 to 20 years of doing hygiene, there becomes a certain, I don’t know, level of certainty. And in the routine, and I understand like you said there’s flexibility, you can change that. But then all of a sudden when you know new new either hobbies or passions, you know, deciding to even get certified for you know, being a yoga instructor, when all of a sudden this comes up, what was it? Was it something where you were just like, hey, like, why not? Let me just let me just dive into this, you know, or was it kind of a slower process of it was it was on the horizon? You know, you kind of saw it, but it took a little bit of time to develop, like, how did that actually happen? And you started transitioning into more and more things.
Lori Bulloch 09:38
Yeah, exactly. And this is something I’ve thought about quite a bit lately, because I’ve gotten better at it. I would say so when, maybe five years ago. So even a couple of years before the pandemic I started thinking, ooh, that backburner goal of being a yoga instructor. I’m just toying with that looking into ideas and my good friend who is a yoga teacher trainer on the West Coast, and I’m on the East Coast, told me when the teacher and the training is right now the teacher in the timing anyway, the teacher and the timing are right, you’ll know. And when things shut down, she called me that friend called me and said, Guess what? Yoga Alliance is letting me do my teacher training program online, we just have to be done. Like, in I think it was two and a half months with the 200 hours. It was like, Oh, the teacher and the timing seem right, because my office is closed. So my husband and I prayed about it, put the money in and jumped. So I have this analogy now. That was kind of solidified when I was rappelling with my nieces a couple of weeks ago. So if you’ve been rappelling, you tie the rope off to a tree, and then you harness yourself up, buckle up and start scooting back over a cliff. And it’s really that like, going right over the top edge of the cliff is super scary. And then once you get the feel for it, you start to realize, okay, so my hand can stop me, if I squeeze my hand behind me, I’ll stop. If I open my hand a little I’ll go. And so as I’m teaching my niece, my 10 year old niece how to repel, we’re thinking a lot about how strong the tree is and how you’re safe and how grandpa’s down there to pull the rope if you need. And then once she got more comfortable, she was like, I can hop. And suddenly she got all excited about hopping and oh, I can do it in 15 hops, and then she would run back up through I just did it in 13 hops, she got down to eight hops. And so it’s got me thinking about this idea of hopping and being willing to let go of the rope just enough that you can kind of float free a little bit and know that you’ll still land I know that the trees still there. But like have fun, explore that freedom of like hopping a little bit and letting the rope out a little and just flying almost. And so I’ve learned in my life that because I trust God and Jesus, then my tree, my anchor, to hold me and that I trust that there’s people supporting me, I’ve started to get better at hopping, like letting more rope out letting myself go a little bit more, and it’s just more fun, then maybe just walking down the cliff or being you know, super slow and hesitant. Where’s the fun in that. So that’s kind of my analogy for trying new things. It’s scary. And anytime something’s a little scary, and a little like, touches your passion, go for it. Like, that’s the hop you want to take, because that’s going to be the freedom and the fun and the flight. And I would just encourage anybody who’s like, in the op and feeling a little bit stagnant. Maybe that’s the word in that routine of just working, you know, especially if you’re working several days a week. It’s it gets, it gets a little a little mundane, a little bit. So did I just say that word on? Yes, I did. It’s a little mundane, if you’re just doing the basics, adult prophase and MSRPs. But as you start to learn things and explore new things, and maybe stretch your wings and be a leader in a certain way in your practice, or, you know, bring something fun to a staff meeting that they didn’t expect. And just like what can you contribute? What can you do to hop a little bit and then just hop more and more and more, until suddenly you feel like you’re flying? It’s just the funnest little concept. I think so.
Shawn Zajas 13:44
Okay, so I love that and so many different levels. So I’m going to try to tie all the other. First of all, I love that you said it was fun. Because I think fun matters. Like I think fun, really does matter. Like as professionals. You know, people that are ambitious, it’s still important to enjoy, and just have fun in what we’re doing. I’m curious, when did you when did you start repelling because it sounds like in this story. It was more about you teaching your niece you said Yeah, yeah. So does that mean that something that you’ve been doing for a long time? Like you’re like a seasoned repeller?
Lori Bulloch 14:25
Yes, I am. So when my dad bought some ropes, we were all He has six kids. And I think we were all just super young. So my dad decided, let’s go to REI. Let’s buy a bunch of harnesses, helmets, ropes, and let’s do this. Let’s try something new. So we all got used to it slowly with those little baby hops. And then he would find bigger cliffs, bigger cliffs, cliffs that are over rivers, you know, and just gradually moved up. And our favorite one, which is actually where my husband proposed to me is in southern Utah and it’s, I think 300 feet or something with this really overhanging at the top. So at the top, not only are you going that lean back thing, but you have to really like hang upside down, and then go from there. And I could do that one in just a couple of hops back in the day. So yes, I love
Shawn Zajas 15:16
that is so cool. I wonder how many people in the dental space know Lori Bulloch is ever a pillar?
Lori Bulloch 15:23
No, probably not.
Shawn Zajas 15:26
So it’s interesting that what you shared because I believe it was five or six years ago, and I was part of like a Christian men’s business group called Pinnacle form. And all of us on our own, like a non sanctioned event, we want to all have a little retreat. So we went up to Flagstaff, and there was a high ropes course that we decided to do. And some of the guys were around the same age as me. And then some of them were maybe like eight or 10 years older. And there’s like six of us. So we decided to do this. And I just remember being like, wow, it hasn’t been since like I was in high school that I’ve got to be part of something where I’m going to be able to have fun. So there I am. And I’m up there in the very beginning. And just like any other person, it’s like, oh, yeah, there’s heights. And it’s kind of scary. But I knew I had a rope, like I knew 100% That I was connected to the rope. So I just had so much fun. I tried to almost like picture every single time that was like a scenario in a you know, an in like, almost like in a movie where I have to save somebody, and can I get across this thing. So I was I was just trying to balance. I would look back and everybody else is doing this thing where they’re holding the rope that’s connected to the, you know, carabiner that’s connected to the cable. Yeah. And they’re just they’re holding it. And I’m thinking, guys, you have a rope. You don’t need to hold the rope because you’re connected, dress, have fun. So I’m literally even like running at times. I dashed my hand open on on a tree one time, because instead of just like going off the platform and like letting myself down, I actually jumped really far to the left. So then it swung me back to the right. And then it’s swung back to the left to the other platform, and I smacked into a tree.
Lori Bulloch 17:20
That was a good HOP, HOP shot.
Shawn Zajas 17:24
And he was it was one of those things Lori, where it was probably just in the last 18 months, that in one of my quiet times, I was like contemplating this whole idea of like, I don’t necessarily enjoy the unknown. I don’t necessarily enjoy the challenge and the obstacle of uncertainty. I don’t always like that.
Lori Bulloch 17:48
Comfortable, right? It’s very uncomfortable, comfortable for most people.
Shawn Zajas 17:52
And that’s where I like heard God like whisper like, I’m your rope. And I was just like, I love it. So I don’t have to be afraid that I’m gonna fall to some peril. Like he’s my rope. So it’s crazy that as you’re saying that. I love that.
Lori Bulloch 18:09
Rope. And if we trust him, it’s that certain level of freedom like, oh, so if I’m not using both my hands and freaking out all the time, what can I relax into? What can I like settle into an open my mind to and that’s exactly it. That’s the space I try to go to to with my prayer. And meditation is like, I trust you. I trust you. 100% What would you like me to do? And then there’s always like, awesome things that bring me joy, things that are happy things that bless others. So when I get in that space of I know I’m safe now. What can I do for you? It’s so fun. So yeah, he is our rope. It’s beautiful. So
Shawn Zajas 18:56
tell me how you like what led you to start the one wholehearted hygenist. Like when did that brand emerge?
Lori Bulloch 19:06
Oh my goodness, I never thought I would have a YouTube channel. I’m very funny about being private. I’m like, it’s just not me. In fact, once right after I certified I was talking to a friend about how awesome Yoga with Adriene is and how much I love her and how widely known she is. And she’s like, well, you could do that. I’m like, No way. Like it was the most random thought and I just totally blew it off. But my friend Kristen Evans, maybe a year and a half ago was like Laurie. I love doing yoga with you. And we’re both hygienist and she’s like and you get it you know exactly where I hurt and why and how to stretch it out before work and how to stretch it out after work. And she’s like, please, please, please make me some videos. And of course the next thing is we might as well put them on YouTube while you’re at it. And she’s so fun. And so good at helping me Hawk that. I was like, let me pray about it. And I prayed about it and it was like yeah, do this because not not for me and not to be showy or in the spotlight, but God reminded me because that allows people to feel the way you feel when you do yoga in their own home. And that feeling is so precious to me that why wouldn’t I want to share it? So I have created a YouTube channel I think there’s, I don’t know four or five playlists for hygiene so a morning stretch evening release, anytime yoga, lunchbreak yoga and then me just chatting. Anyway, it’s it’s been kind of fun. And I’ve enjoyed the process and I hope it benefits people I don’t ever like go on and check numbers or comments or anything. I just threw it out to the world to say here you go. If this helps you Here you go. So one wholehearted hygienist the name I love alliteration. So I was thinking wholehearted hygienist or the wholehearted hygienist praise like I’m not the only one that can live wholeheartedly as a hygienist. I don’t want to be one of many. I want to encourage other hygienists to be also wholehearted in the way they live in the way they balance their lives in the way they experience work. And in the way they interact with their patients. I mean, all of it. It’s just that word to me. wholehearted means, like, open your heart big and let people in in a way that’s healthy and pour your love into them and let them pour their love into you. And especially God’s love, just let it flow all around you and just be that wholehearted in, in every part of your life. So I tried to do that. You know, I just try. But, but it’s been fun to create that channel.
Shawn Zajas 21:50
Well, Lori, so when I was talking to you and your husband, Mike, my goal is not to like be like, Oh my gosh, me to like creep you guys out. But um, ironically, I think it was like six or seven years ago. I’m you know, working for my dad, with his company. This is before Zana. And I’m just not feeling super fulfilled doing it. I love it. I get to work with him. And I like some of the difference that I’m able to make, but it doesn’t feel like it’s completely me. So knowing that knowing what I knew about branding, I’m just like, doing some of the exercises, you know, like really praying about and just like God, like, what is my brand? If I had a brand, what would it be? And ironically, yeah, six years ago, I created my like my website, like if you go there, and it just says wholehearted, like that is my actual.
Lori Bulloch 22:39
I didn’t know that.
Shawn Zajas 22:40
I’ve done nothing with it. Because even though I love hearing stories about I think this is why I love the mindset in the belief set that allows people to step up and step out. It’s because for so long, like that wasn’t me. You know, I would see something but then I wanted the assurance. I wanted something that would say it’s it’s going to be okay, yeah, you’re not going to somehow be so embarrassed. Or I think that’s a lot of people. It’s like in one area of your life, especially like dentists and hygienists. It’s like you’re successful, you’re known in your community, you’re good at this. And then now all of a sudden to start something else, that you have to have that beginner’s mind, you have to have that humility that maybe you’re not going to do a great job starting out, and to visibly, or publicly be seen as starting out again, it’s sometimes you can feel like it could be humiliating, right?
Lori Bulloch 23:35
Yes. There’s so many times as an entrepreneur that I in fact, not even too long ago, I sit with my husband, who’s my executive coach, he started several businesses and offered to coach me once a week as my Christmas gift, but I was sitting with him a couple months ago, and I was trying to put myself out there in a new way for something I can’t even remember what but I just sat there in front of the post I was trying to make. And then I looked at him, I said, or I could just give up. And I seriously felt it at that moment. I was like, I don’t want to do this. This is hard. This is not fun. It’s vulnerable. It’s scary. And of course love him to death. He coached me through it was like, Well, should we just take a pause and like talk about this next week? Or do you want to send me a draft and I can look at you know, that type of thing. But in that moment, I was like, This is too hard. I can’t I can’t put myself out there so vulnerably again, and have people not reply again or whatever. You know how it is like, just sometimes really hard, but so worth it. I wouldn’t I wouldn’t want to go back to my life five years ago. I’ll put it that way. So I guess I keep hopping little hops.
Shawn Zajas 24:49
I saw a I love the brand. I love that you want to live from your heart you want to live connected. And I feel like that’s been one of the challenges for me. It’s like do you You give up given and almost like go the way of the world where it’s just about, I don’t know, sometimes just about production of being like a cog, or or playing the game, but not doing it the way that is true to who you are. Yes. And that’s why I like to all of our listeners, my whole thing is, like, Do what makes you come alive. You know, like, the greatest strategy for success, in my opinion, is finding out how you can be like, the unique version of yourself that you are, like, just be the original that you are, because no one can copy that. Right, you don’t have to perform when you’re doing it. Like, you know, one of my examples is, early on when I was doing this podcast, which is it’s funny, because I just started it last month, but I’ve done so many podcasts in the last two months that I messed up with Calendly at one point, and I didn’t know what you’re supposed to do. So I looked at the following Friday, and I realized I had five interviews back to back. Oh, and it was, it was gonna be like from, I don’t know, it was like nine in the morning to one or 2pm. And the weekend before my wife and I had just driven with our family to San Diego. And it was about five, five amp hours. And I was like, I was so exhausted driving. And I was doing like nothing but driving just getting to sit there. And this is I’m gonna have to somehow be on camera, asking people questions like full energy for five and a half hours. And I was like, Okay, God, I’m either gonna find out that I need better boundaries for self care. Or I’m gonna find out that when you’re doing what you love, the energy flows,
Lori Bulloch 26:41
It energizes you instead of drains your energy. Yes,
Shawn Zajas 26:44
that’s exactly what I found out. And that’s why I’m doing this podcast. And that’s why I love hearing from people like you, Lori, that share? I, you were willing to step up, you were willing to try? And it doesn’t mean there wasn’t difficulty. It doesn’t mean there wasn’t times where like, like you said, you talk to your husband. And you’re like, How about right, right. And yet, the world is so much better off because you didn’t give up. And you are still on motion, like in motion heading to where you want to be when it comes to even a greater impact. But I just love what you’re doing already. Like, thank you. Yeah, so thank you for not giving in to the fears, to everything that gets people to just stay put and stay on the sideline and just say, You know what, like, you’re, you’re not gonna have regret Lori over the times that you really tried something and maybe fell short, you’re gonna have regret over those dreams that you didn’t pursue?
Lori Bulloch 27:45
Exactly, exactly. And that does keep me going, I think, Who am I to sit by and let people not learn about wellness or not hear the things that have helped me? Like, how selfish is that. So it keeps me going like I want people to like I’ll give one example. So one thing I’d love to share, if I’m dreading a day of clinical, I have a little routine that I do, I try not to think about it until my hand opens the door of the office. And then when I go in and I changed my socks and shoes because I usually like to wear my flip flops to work and then when I put on my socks and my clinical shoots, I imagine in my mind that I’m pulling up this like personal PPE that goes all the way up and over like a hood and I put all the long sleeves and zip it up. And I am then protected from the negative energy that sometimes flies my team is awesome, but I know some people have negative energy flying around the office in general. But you know the patients that are like you know, I hate being here and this is the worst place I can imagine being nothing personal those types of things or if they truly have a lot of anxiety and it’s just hard to not take it on. I have my personal PPE all zipped up, my emotions and energy are protected and at the end of the day, I’m unzipping that taking it off, washing it up throwing it at the dumpster in my imagination and then walking home but not walking, driving home. Just me without all that stuff on me or in me or through me I just unzip, take it off, throw it in a bag and toss it So on my way out of the out of the office, I’m tossing my literal trash and my all this energetic stuff that might have accumulated and I literally since I’ve started doing that I get in my car and I’m like, it’s almost like you’ve just been doing whatever all day because you don’t have all that clinging to you. And we’re blessed to not have to worry about work when we’re home. Usually we someone else’s confirming the patient, someone else’s prepping the office for the next day and we’re just arriving as our best selves. Touching the handle. I always have my prayer in the parking lot. When I touch the handle, I try to just have a smile and that like I am happy to be here. You’re feeling even if I’m faking it, and then it goes from there. So I just I’ve learned some routines that I love to share with a roomful of hygiene this, I just feel like if anything that I’ve learned in 24 years of hygiene, let me share that, you know, I want to bless people who are dreading work every day who are going home with all that yucky clinging to them. And it doesn’t come off when you shower, because it’s emotional stuff. Like a lot of that just has to be worked through. So yeah, I just those types of things keep me going because I want to share what’s worked for me.
Shawn Zajas 30:38
And I think that’s amazing. Because you’re saying you want to be able to live wholehearted fully, in align with who you are to be able to have your heart open, and to be able to love. And yet, that doesn’t mean be open in a foolish way where you can get hurt, doesn’t, it doesn’t mean you know if a misunderstanding happens, or if someone else, you know, doesn’t like, I don’t take something that you’re saying wrong or patient, you don’t need to take that home with you and be like, Oh my gosh, like, I should have done this better or beat yourself up. Yeah, but at the same time, you’re not giving up and you’re not closing your heart and you’re not having to just numb out just so you can survive.
Lori Bulloch 31:21
Yes, that makes me the saddest is if I find a hygienist who’s like, Hey, I hate my job, I’m burnt out. It’s the worst. But I put all this money into my education, I can’t think of what else to do. So I grind every day, I just put my head down and grind it out one more, you know, five more patients, four more patients, three more patients to one, yay, every single day. I’m like, No, that’s eating you up inside. And that’s just like, shrinking your soul, we need to figure out ways to process that stuff, like, let it go or don’t take it on in the first place. But if we’re gonna stay as dental professionals that love, love, love our patients. And I mean love, I love my patients, and they know, to come on a Tuesday because I love them. And so you know, we I take care of myself all week, so that I can show up in that place where I’m ready to listen to them, love them, look at their whole overall systemic health and talk to them about things that I feel will help and bless that their whole lives. And then I go home. And it’s kind of awesome to think I just took care of seven really, really cool people that I love. And it’s so fun to see them. And it’s fun to catch up. And when I hear them come back time after time and say, Oh, that one thing you told me, you know, that’s the best feeling. I’ve been doing that and it’s so nice, I really can tell a difference. So if we can show up ready for those experiences, our profession will never get old. And I can say that maybe because I’m working one day we can maybe because all I’ve learned but God bless those hygienist that worked four or five days a week and truly give what they can I hope they’re taking care of themselves really, really, really super well.
Shawn Zajas 33:16
I mean, dentistry, in general, is very challenging. And then you talk about hygiene, and not just the physical, you know, demands on your body. Yeah, not just that. But like you’re saying also just emotionally dealing with people that may or may not want to be in the chair. Yeah, yeah, you know, and then there’s all the team drama that can happen simply because in this organization, there’s not an expert on of HR. It’s not like it’s a mid sized business that has an HR department, where there’s people that got MBAs and they know exactly how to facilitate. It’s, it’s people just trying their best to run a small business. Yeah. And sometimes they don’t do the best job. Yeah. And the team members end up suffering because of unnecessary drama. So I think you finding your way, even in all these spaces of wellness, with being the educator, and then the yoga instructor, I feel like that’s perfectly aligned with probably everything you wish you could have even received the second you got into hygiene, because of the challenges because of the demands.
Lori Bulloch 34:29
Exactly. Yeah, there’s so many things that that, you know, we’re all different to I find that there’s some hygienist that can work 30 years full time and not have any aches or pains that blows my mind. I don’t know who constructed their body different than mine, but it’s amazing. And then some people it’s really just a different experience and really hard physically or emotionally and I think if we work together and like keep an eye out for each other, like if you see a team member that’s like I’m really dragging and dreading every day. And you can tell it’s a grind. Like, what can you do to lift them, maybe that’s a place that you can find joy is like leaving them notes. I’m the post it note queen, or whatever, it takes just little things like, Hey, I love that you’re here, it makes a difference that you’re here, you were really awesome with that patient, I love that you, whatever, you know, like, where can you lift? Where can you love. And I think there’s always really good things we can be doing if we’re open to them, and if we’ve taken good care of ourselves, so that we show up for our team and our family, team and patients, and of course, ourselves and our families.
Shawn Zajas 35:43
So Lori, you know, it’s crazy, because if anyone’s listening to this, just over audio, you’re not gonna understand what I’m saying. But the fact that we’re on video, like you’ve been shining this whole time that you come alive, even to like a different degree, when you talk about your patients when you talk about other hygienists, and just that that care, and that love for just those people that are in your life. It’s, it’s amazing to see the way that you really just absolutely come alive. So I’m curious, you know, you were hygenist like, for a while 1520. Me you still are, but I’m saying before that transition to now. Just a hygenist. Yeah. Which? Well, hygienist, Yeah. wife, mother. Yeah, you’re doing a lot of things. But was there any mindset that you had to embrace? Or maybe even a mindset that you had to let go of, you know, post COVID, as you’re stepping out into some of these other areas,
Lori Bulloch 36:50
huh, that is so good. I, I think I’ll go back to our ropes analogy, it’s letting go the rope. So whether you’re rappelling and your right hand, that’s your break, let’s go a bit more. Or if you’re doing the ropes course and you’re like this and decide what happens if I you know, just experiment, try it out, let go of the rope just enough to go. Am I safe? Am I still safe? I’m still safe. I’m good. God’s got this. You know, we we whoever you trust, whatever your source of anchoring and steadiness in your life is, when the more you trust that you’re okay, the more you can just try, like, test the waters in different areas. And when you find the area that makes you just like, you know, like, if it’s interesting that you say that I light up because for one, I’m just sweaty, it’s hot in here, and we don’t have AC. But for two, I really when I first started doing, like meeting with Josie, the yoga dentist and Dr. Lara and Dr. Tyndall, the mentor, women, I, some of my mentors, I would meet with them on Zoom. This is during the pandemic still. And I’m like, I don’t know what I shouldn’t be doing. But I want to do something in the dental world. And now, yoga, and they’ve helped me so much. But what I noticed anytime I got on a zoom with them, I was like, oh, and I would watch the recording later and be like, Whoa, like right before that. I think I was depressed. What happened. And it’s true. It’s like when you find your path, when you find the path that God wants you on that you’re meant to be on that you’re here on earth to do, it lights you up and just go with that. Like the more you feel that up the more let go of the rope and just like fly, explore, play, have fun, do what you did when you know risk it a little bit. And and sometimes we do get hurt and sometimes it’s hard and scary. But honestly, why would you just do this whole thing the rest of your life once you feel the freedom of just kind of relaxing into what you love. And, and spending time on that. So another thing I’ve done is simplify. A lot of things like when I feel myself getting too scheduled or to anything or too worked up, I’m like, Whoa, okay, this is not my happy place what’s going on and I just stop and check in and like maybe toss the list and and start from scratch and like do what feels right that day instead of what’s on the list or take a nap or lay on my bed and just ponder or go touch a tree outside. You know, like I just know my things that I can do to just pause and then start again. When it feels right when I know what is right to do next instead of what I’ve written down. You know, I’m such a I’m such a writer downer that sometimes I think I have to my list that I made. It’s but no, guess what if that list is stressing you out, either set it aside till tomorrow and see which parts look like they still matter or you know, at least take a break and then come back and prioritize like, okay, if I’m only going to have energy for one thing today, which one is it going to be? And is it even on this list? Or is it something else? God’s whispering and then just honestly, listening? And that pattern over time? Just leads to so much joy because you’re diving into only things that feel right.
Shawn Zajas 40:41
Okay, so I’m like, massively inspired. That’s why I think part of why I do this is because a, I love being connected to real people that are also just in the game, not on the sideline, just making stuff happen. Having to dance with that tension of, there’s no guarantees. It might not work. But let’s just do it anyway. Let’s just live to serve and make a bigger difference. Tell me about this opportunity you’re having right now with the TV in your local area. Like how did this come to be? Just Just tell me a little bit more about it, because it’s super fascinating.
Lori Bulloch 41:21
Well, I love it. So everyone needs at least one and I learned this in high school, everyone needs at least one friend that’s really good at having crazy ideas. So I have a couple of them. And one of them. She actually went through my 12 week program and loved it. Her name is Linda, I love her so much. She loved it. She was taking notes. She was changing her life every week. And every time I showed up to her house for our session, we had like miracles happening. She grew so much. One of the things she learned that she hung on to she’s like, I just learned that our cells generate so quickly that in seven years, we’re a totally new person. I’m like, well, there you go. And she was so excited, like, so anyway, Linda, when I was finished, when we were finished, she was like now what? Now what? Okay, what are we doing next? What’s going next? Because you gotta keep the momentum going. You’re so good at this. And I had tried a couple things that didn’t get response. And I was like, I don’t know. And I just, you know, super discouraged. And she emailed me this list of things to try. She was like, you just need an audience. What have you got on TV? What is this? What is that? And I’m like, TV? Are you kidding me? I even said, I don’t think we have a cable TV channel in my town. She’s like, search it up. So I googled, do we have cable TV in this little tiny town in Massachusetts? And sure enough, we do. And I emailed the guy and I was in his studio the next day. And he’s like, okay, so what do you have in mind? Well, anyway, he, it worked out, it worked out God is good. And so I was able to kind of come up with some things. I told him about my 12 week program, and he said, Haha, you’re gonna do a 12 week show, I’ll run it 50 times a month. We’ll do it for a year. We can start this and do this and had all these ideas and took me into the recording studio. And that was the moment I was like, Mmm hmm. I just felt it. I saw the whole setup. The newscaster does the place I could do yoga. And my mind started going, huh? Yeah. Oh, yeah. And, you know, I’ll have my own video editor. I’ve never had that I’ll have a screen to cue me, which I won’t need to do this anymore. And like, it’ll just uplevel my ability to teach in that space. And I thought, you know, I have no idea out of the 30,000 people in these towns, tube towns. I have no idea how many watch and I don’t think I want to know, maybe it’s 10 if one of those 10 people gets up and stretches with me awesome. If one of those 10 goes out in the sunshine and eats a salad. Super awesome. Like, simple, you know, like super simple. And so I said yes, I felt good. I called Linda. She’s like, Ah, I knew you could do so literally get a friend like Linda or like Kristen, who encouraged me to do the YouTube channel and, and then just kind of keep trying, like, keep trying to do hard things and scary things. That feel right.
Shawn Zajas 44:34
Okay, so even though it feels right, you still feel a little bit of the oh my gosh, like, I mean, this is a whole new thing. Like you said being in it being in a studio. Having to be ready. Now notice this material that you already know in and out though, so you’re not really nervous about what you’re sharing. Right?
Lori Bulloch 44:54
Well, so my thought was going to be to just go off of Cynthia’s whole healing program Um, that I had learned the 12 week thing that I had taught Linda and I was just going to be all set with that. And my husband said, you have your own material. I wonder when you’re going to switch gears and trust that you have your own stories, your own style, and that what you bring is special. I was like, huh, so I sat on my front porch, one of my favorite places in this really nice, beautiful day versus chirping, slight breeze, I had just had a salad, my favorite salad in the sunshine. It was just the right setup. And I just asked God, if you want me to use my own material, please help me. And truly 20 minutes later, I had a whole two page things spreadsheet of topics, guest speakers, possible sponsors, like, notes, different things. And I was like, well, that’s my answer. Like, like, give me chills right now. Because that is so how God works. I am his little helper. And he helps me greatly with everything that he wants me to do.
Shawn Zajas 46:10
Oh my gosh. Okay. So is do you have something that if like, our listeners are here, and they’re like, oh my gosh, like, I love what she’s sharing for the wellness? Do you have a program that they can, you know, be part of like? Okay, so where do you want their eyes to go right now.
Lori Bulloch 46:28
If you look up, let’s breathe yoga.com It will tell you about my 12 week program called Walk with me, I’ve used a model of just I’m not the expert, I will walk with you as you tried to change your life and make some changes with these wellness principles. So I also offer a wellness experience, which is a weekend in my Airbnb and my home includes all the healthy food, I can feed you yoga in the studio here. And just outings that feel good time in nature. So I love to host people in that way. And then I have a speaking engagement in August, if anyone’s in Utah and wants to come to InDesign Academy to hear my lunch and learn that would be fun. Or I, I am open to but have not yet found a way to do my wellness group for a group of hygienist. So I would do a group of a 12 week group if a group of hygienist wanted to get together and and learn together and then be able to share with each other how it applies how these principles apply in the dental world. So yeah.
Shawn Zajas 47:43
Okay, so I love that you shared something you’re doing and something that you want to do, because I think it’s even the this is what I would like to do that other people can be like, Well, hey, like, let’s make it happen. So that’s awesome that you did that. Dino Watt also did that. When I was interviewing him, and he said something. And I was just like, wow, who knows? Maybe like one of the listeners will be able to be the answer. Yeah, to help him. Right. Because it’s all about the people we know.
Lori Bulloch 48:10
Yeah, yeah. And the people that feel ready. I mean, I one thing that I’ve learned as an entrepreneur for what, three, three years is that I can invite I can put the word out I can structure things I can set things up I can invite people have to want to come I you know, it’s so I’m just gonna put it out there that if there is a group or someone listening that wants to come and walk with me as in the in the realm of wellness as a hygienist please breathewithlori@gmail.com And if not, if nobody emails me, then I’ll know to focus on these other things. And that’s fine too. I’m super open to just whatever helps people.
Shawn Zajas 48:57
Okay, that is amazing. Okay, so are you ready for the last question? Sure. Okay, so Laurie of today is walking down the street and off in the distance you see 18 year old Lori in and you have just a brief moment to communicate one sentiment to her. What do you share?
Lori Bulloch 49:22
Hmm, wow. Oh my goodness, my 18 year old self was silly. super silly. I would say “Keep being you.”
Shawn Zajas 49:40
Yes. So right now for the listeners. This is why I love like you are giving people permission to just be who they are. To connect with that dream that’s in their heart. And at the same exact time to not be afraid to just hop in and let go of the rope.
Lori Bulloch 50:01
Yeah. Because the real you is the YOU that’s flying a little bit, not the YOU that’s like, oh, you know, stuck. The real you our souls are just so expensive, like unbelievably expensive and capable. And the real you the view that I would say to my 18 year old self keep being that you’re not the person, not the you that your hygiene instructors are going to try to make you or your whatever, whatever think you should be or tell you or give you input on keeping the real you because that’s the you that’s like ready to rock and roll and fly and have fun and just be free. And that’s how I would rather live. And that’s how I love seeing people who are totally just like, open to any possibility that’s out there for them. And that ready to be their authentic self. I love that. I love encouraging people to find that. And that’s what I think some of the people who have gone through my program feel is that I see them and the things that light them up and I can mirror that to them just like you’ve mirrored in me like what lights me up. And then they start to like, Oh, I think I do love that. Hmm, maybe I will put that more in my life and maybe the healthier I get the more I can do it. That’s the beauty too is that the better we take care of ourselves with the wellness principles and self care and whatever else you want to call it. The more capable and able you are every day to wake up feeling rested and to go. Oh, yeah, this is gonna be a good day. I’m excited. You know, like that feeling is so priceless. Better than money.
Shawn Zajas 51:45
Amen. Well, Laurie, it has been an absolute joy getting to interview you and recognize you as an innovator. And I just want to honor you for the ways in which you have not given up the ways in which that you’ve stepped out and you’ve stepped up. Even though it’s scary at times, even though it’s difficult, like thank you so much. You shine so bright, and I am so in your corner supporting you and the mission that you’re on. I absolutely absolutely love it. So just once again, thank you so much for letting me interview you today.
Lori Bulloch 52:19
Thank you and God bless you.
Shawn Zajas 52:23
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