Nurturing Growth and Fostering Creativity in Dentistry: An Interview with Joshua Scott


Podcast Summary

In this podcast episode, Shawn Zajas engages in a conversation with Joshua Scott, the founder of Studio 88, a successful dental marketing agency. Throughout the discussion, Scott shares insights into his journey as an entrepreneur, the core values that drive his business, and his vision for the future. 

The conversation begins with Scott highlighting his motivation for doing what he does, emphasizing that his team is the driving force behind his work. He takes pride in the growth and impact of his team members, creating a safe and creative environment within the dental industry. Scott believes that dentistry can be a creative profession and strives to show his team the possibilities within the field. The humility behind his confidence lies in his dedication to the growth and success of his team, with aspirations to expand the team’s size and make a lasting impact in the industry. 

Zajas acknowledges Scott’s servant leadership approach and the importance of developing the people around him. He notes that Studio 88’s success is not solely dependent on one person, but rather on the collective effort of the team working towards the common goal of serving dental practices and improving their operations. Scott reflects on a mindset shift he had to make early on in his entrepreneurial journey. He realized that he could run a successful business by doing things his own way, deviating from traditional approaches. This included implementing a flexible work environment and hiring self-driven team members who could work autonomously. By challenging conventional norms, Studio 88 was able to thrive and build a unique company culture. 

As the conversation progresses, Zajas inquires about any limiting beliefs or red flags that Scott considers when potential clients approach Studio 88. Scott explains that they cap the number of new clients they take on each month to ensure a values fit. He highlights the importance of understanding that marketing is not a magic solution to all problems. If a practice solely relies on marketing without addressing other crucial aspects such as patient experience and internal operations, it is unlikely to achieve long-term success. Studio 88 seeks clients who view marketing as a partnership in building their business over time rather than seeking immediate results. 

The discussion delves into the challenges Scott faced, including the need to change his sales approach and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on his business. Scott’s ability to adapt and learn from these challenges enabled him to grow and improve Studio 88. He emphasizes the importance of continuously evaluating and refining different aspects of the business to deliver better results for clients. 

Toward the end of the podcast, Zajas poses a thought-provoking question: If Scott could share one sentiment with a younger version of himself, what would it be? Scott’s immediate response is to believe in oneself. He acknowledges that he has belief in himself and is surrounded by people who believe in him. Zajas affirms his support for Scott and his innovative work in dentistry. 

In conclusion, this podcast episode provides valuable insights into the entrepreneurial journey of Joshua Scott and the growth of Studio 88. Scott’s emphasis on building a strong team, challenging conventional norms, and constantly refining their approach has contributed to the success of Studio 88 as a dental marketing agency. With a focus on balancing creativity and performance marketing, Scott envisions a future where Studio 88 continues to make a significant impact in the dental industry. The conversation between Zajas and Scott serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and highlights the importance of belief in oneself and the power of a dedicated and supportive team.

Connect with Joshua

IG: @joshuascott


FB: @studio8e8


Podcast Transcript

Joshua Scott  00:00 

For me, I had to come back to like, it’s high value SEO stuff. It’s leadership. It’s speaking, it’s being more of a frontman, it’s stuff like this interviews and podcasts. And that actually exponentially helps grow the company more. And so sales while it looks like a high producing the highest producing part of the team was actually limiting. And so I think that that’s, that’s it’s like asking yourself at certain points and seasons, am I missing something 


Shawn Zajas  00:26 

in dentistry? I’m your host, Shawn Zajas. And I believe that the future of dentistry is going to be unbelievably great over the next decade in two decades. But the question isn’t that the question is, are you going to be part of what makes dentistry Great? Hey, so I am super excited today to have the opportunity to interview Joshua Scott from Studio 88. I love what you guys are doing in dentistry. I love the way you’re leading. I love the way you’re helping dentists really tell their stories. But let me just welcome you like, Great, thank you so much for joining me today, Joshua. 


Joshua Scott  01:12 

Oh, man shot. Thanks for reaching out, I got your email, you know, whatever, last week and was just super thrilled. I know you’re launching a new project here. And man, I’m just excited to be part of it. 


Shawn Zajas  01:23 

So what fascinates me, Josh is is not again, like innovation. There’s so many things that could fall underneath that category, right? Clinical innovation, technological innovation, but I’m fascinated. What is it about the mindsets that help dental professionals just feel empowered to pioneer and all of a sudden not just be a dentist, not just be, you know, a hygienist but all of a sudden, like, like Tonya Lanthier she’s, uh, you know, was a hygienist and all of a sudden starts dental posts, and then turned it into some amazing company, you know, you have all these dental professionals that do that kind of thing. You are successfully leading an unbelievable marketing agency that’s helping dentistry. How did you get to where you’re at today? 


Joshua Scott  02:09 

Yeah, it’s, uh, gosh, it’s a good question. I think, you know, most of us probably, unless you’re on the clinical side, most of us, I don’t know, if we were in high school going, Hey, I want to be in the dental profession. And we all have kind of fallen into it some way or another. And, to be honest, I worked with a practice management company for 12 years, that consulted with with dentists to help them run their practices better. And so started as the office manager ended up running the CEO events ended up becoming the marketing director. And, and so that’s kind of I fell into it, I tell you, I fell into it, but I fell in love with it at the same time. And, and just amazing people, I really think dentistry is full of really, really great people. I tell our team, you know, we are coming alongside of small business owners who are just hustling to make their dreams come true. And we get to be a part of that. And I really do believe the only thing that motivates me as I love small business, I love local business, I really think good, healthy, small businesses are just a force for good in their communities. So we get to come alongside of those and help them be successful and grow amazing teams and serve their community. So we love what we do. 


Shawn Zajas  03:18 

And truthfully, you do help with something that dentistry needs massively, you know, everyone you’re helping they have clinical excellence, you know, they have that degree, they know dentistry, and they’re learning dentistry, they’re getting CEE, but rarely do they have an MBA, rarely do they actually know. The tools of the trade on how to actually grow their business. And at the frontline of that is, is marketing. And I know, from the dentists I’ve talked to, a lot of them are kind of like, weary or leery sorry, of like, who they can trust. How do you go about either setting yourselves up differently or trying to broker that trust with dentists? 


Joshua Scott  04:01 

Yeah. You know, I think early on, I tell people, a lot of times, you know, marketing is at its simplest form, it’s just magnifying a message. And what I saw when I looked around dentistry, you know, nine years ago, we started this was there was a lot of marketing attempting to happen without the message. And so we would see direct mail that just had everybody’s using the same stock photos and you know, $49 new patient exam, free whitening, it was just, it’s all the, what I call the what is just, here’s the what, like, let’s just shove offers out websites with a lot of, you know, templated websites against stock photos. And so there wasn’t we’re attempting to market without backing up and really defining what the message was. And so that’s why we got into this. I mean, honestly, when I looked around, I was like, I felt like Dentistry was innovative. I still do today. I think it’s an inspiring profession. When you think about it, even in this post COVID world, it’s human serving humans, which is really a beautiful profession. Should that be in? Yet? That message? We weren’t? I never saw that. And so I think I just subconsciously just asked why. Like, can we can we not go there’s some regulations, why we can’t do that, you know, like, have that message or tell that story. So really, for us, it became about telling better stories around dentistry. And early on we over indexed on the creative side, just kind of looking at brand creative, just getting attention. You know, we’ve never built a website with stock photos, like ever. We’ve never built a templated website. So we kind of made some decisions like that early on. And because when I looked at everything, and I would still say this is very true today, if you look at 10, dental websites, they’re all going to look like some type of templated stock kind of very service based again, on the what is so for me, when I looked at that, I was like, well, if one of those is creative, it’s going to stand out. So for me, the creatives always been the variable like in a world where there is no creative, if you get creative, you’re gonna stand out and really leveraging that to spread that message. 


Shawn Zajas  06:09 

You know, even even with your background, like you just have this beautiful vibrant pop of color. And that’s kind of like instead of it just being some ho hum, background, it just, there’s that design. There’s that creative aspect of that. I love that. So I’m curious, though, Josh, about you like social media, anyone that follows you, it’s like II, people would love to just click their heels and end up where you’re at. You’ve got the family, you’ve got the beautiful wife, you’ve got impact. And yet, like, I’m guessing you weren’t just like a 12 year old that’s like, Oh, I know exactly what I’m gonna do. I’m just gonna crush it. This is who I am. I’m an entrepreneur, when identity wise, when did you realize that you were an entrepreneur? 


Joshua Scott  06:54 

Man, it’s funny you say that? Because I’m, you know, I’m sitting here. I’m 47. And 


Shawn Zajas  07:00 

you look amazing, by the way, like, I hope I look like that when I’m 47. Okay, 


Joshua Scott  07:05 

thanks, bro. You know, man, the first 10 years of my life, I actually a lot. What a lot of people don’t know is I went to seminary. So went down that track was in that world for 10 years, ended up just in a really not good relationship position there and just made a hard left turn, which is how I ended up in a dental consulting group work with with them for 12 years, kind of had an abrupt ending there, too. And so it’s like, there’s sometimes like the temptation, even me to be honest, like, there’s that insecurity of man 20 plus years of my life, my first professional life, which feels wasted, you know. So on bad days, like, that’s the narrative that you could tell yourself on good days, it all prepared me to do this. And it gave me time to kind of think through some stuff, test some stuff, really figure out my place in the world, my skill set as a leader. And so you know, they say, like entrepreneurs, like if what it takes 10 businesses, like you’ll fail at nine of them, but one of them will be successful. I didn’t have to have that experience. Probably like, if you’re in your 20s Yeah, man, you gotta like build 10 businesses, because you don’t even know what you want, Who You Are any of that stuff. But you know, when I started this at 38, I was like, Yeah, I had a good handle on communication skills, leadership, who I wanted to be. And so there’s a lot of hard work a lot of sacrifice along the way. And or sometimes you’d like, you see things and you’re like, wow, it’s a lot of layers to it too, though. 


Shawn Zajas  08:33 

So tell me how, how has self doubt been there at all along the journey? Or? Or is that one of the mindsets that you’ve kind of just always showed up? Where you’re like, you know, what, I’m capable, I’m enough. I have what it takes. And no stage has been too bright. 


Joshua Scott  08:49 

So that’s, that’s such a good question. And I would tell you, believe it or not, confidence doesn’t come naturally. To me, I would actually tell you, this may be like a book I write someday, to be honest, it’s kind of there in me of, of my journey has been one of building confidence of believing in myself. And, you know, I think I go back to you in high school. And there was a just, I remember, I was in this like, church when I was young. And they did this competition, I want to say I was like, 11, or something like that. And they were doing this competition of who could learn all the books of the Bible by memory. And there’s like 60 books in it or something. Right. And so I just didn’t like 66 


Shawn Zajas  09:33 

Now just Yeah, I think there might be we’ll have to do a fact check after this. Yeah. 


Joshua Scott  09:38 

And I remember just dismissing it because it was like, Oh my gosh, it’s too big. There’s no way and my mom kind of she was like, What do you mean about me man? I’m like, No, and they were given away this really cool like Bible that had like wood covers, it was from like, Jerusalem or something. And, and, and so she was like, I think you can do it. And I remember I did it like I remember being in like the bath at night. He was like working me through it and kind of like this pneumonic thing of kind of trying to teach yourself 60 Plus books in a row. And I remember I did it and I won. And I got that. And just even from that was a first it was literally like a first moment of, oh, I think I’m smart, you know? And so like, and then you have these moments where it’s like, oh, I think I could, like, be successful. I was I was a youth minister at first, okay, I think I can be successful that, okay, I think I can switch careers and be successful. Okay, I think I can build a business and be successful. Okay. I think I can be wealthy. But like, you know what I mean, it’s like, building upon building. It’s just been a journey of that man of, yeah, like you do stuff. You track it, you have successes, you have wins, you change your internal tapes. And, yeah, 


Shawn Zajas  10:45 

well, like, I do believe that that book is in you, 100%. I remember when I met you, it was April of 21. At the smell of the sea event, and I just remember thinking like, this is like a man’s man, like, you have a tall stature, like, handsome, you have this confidence. And you’re leading this company that you can absolutely be proud of. So, I mean, I feel like, it’s refreshing to hear that you’re not a robot that just like, oh, like, I never struggled or didn’t have any issues with self confidence. That’s really encouraging. I know, in my journey, like I did, I won as a sixth grader, sixth grade, come on, nothing special. But I won state championship in wrestling. And I remember, I actually, like gave excuses why it really wasn’t a win. Like, to me, it was almost like, well, I barely got out of that round. And he could have won if I went longer. And even the final, like, it was actually hard for me to integrate into my identity that it was something that I was good at. You know, I don’t know what it was, it was almost like, I actually, I still don’t know what it was. But 


Joshua Scott  11:57 

you downplay that. And it’s, it’s weird. It’s a weird form of humility, to be honest, and I don’t even know if that’s actually a true form of humility. It’s like, there’s something else there. And one of the things I realized which congrats, like I was I wrestled in eighth grade and ninth grade. And I can just tell you, that is probably the most the hardest sport in the world. So the fact that you did that, like throw, you know, congrats, that is that is an achievement. But it’s like, you come to a certain point where it’s like, though, and I think there’s a quote around this, but the world doesn’t benefit by you playing small. And, and so like learning one of the probably the challenges, one of the chapters of that book has been, like, how do you be humble and be confident at the same time because the world needs your confidence, but like, but being a jerk, and being arrogant, and being like, my way is right in here, seven steps. I hate all that stuff. But so and there’s sometimes I’m like, Was that too much? Was that too confident, but yet, it’s just like, leading a business, you know, now it’s like, 27 team members rely on me like, Dude, I gotta make decisions confidently, I’ve gotta, like, get the direction confidently and, and don’t shrink away when I’m like, Yeah, I, you know, we let us through COVID We let us through this challenge. Like, this is what we do. So 


Shawn Zajas  13:12 

I think that was brilliantly put Josh because they’re that tension between confidence and humility. I feel like someone coming from that Christian worldview. It’s something that that’s easy to struggle with, like, I struggle with that. And I talked to my wife about it so many times. And she’s like, why is this such a big deal to you? I’m like, well, because I want to own who I am. But I know like, God opposes the proud meaning like I don’t want to have, it’s like a, it’s a bad smell on people. You know, and, and I heard someone putting it this way where it’s like, humility is just seeing yourself. Like fully who you are like how God sees you, nothing more, nothing less meaning. So it’s like, it’s owning your strength. And the way I agree with you 100%. Like, we’re all like locking arms. And to make dentistry great to make the industry that we’re in great. I need to make sure that the person to the left and to the right of me knows who they are, and they’re showing up in their strength. And they’re shining as bright as they can shine. Yeah, if they don’t occupy their role, who knows what dentistry is not going to get, you know, like, we need you to keep being the best version of yourself and owning that strength instead of being timid because it’s like, well, what could studio 88 do? Like we don’t we don’t want that conversation of like, well, Josh could actually help a ton more practices get disillusioned or get discouraged. Because of impact, right. Like don’t don’t play small. Frickin blow it up, Josh. 


Joshua Scott  14:36 

Yeah, well, and it’s like, you know, that below it is like, the reason I do what I do is for my team, to be honest, it’s, it’s like my squad and, you know, we’re 27 people, but I know we’re supposed to be more than that. I’m thinking about the next team members coming on and, you know, when I get up and try to kill it from the stage and give a killer speech. It’s because, man I want my team to be proud. I want to keep Bro studio Ada, because I know what we’re doing matters. I see that team members that have found professional significance and fulfillment working with us and creating a safe environment for them to be creative. And for them to go, like, is dentistry creative? And I’m like, yeah, let me show you. And now they’re like, Wow, this is actually the most creative job I’ve had. And it’s, and it’s dentistry. So like, it’s all of that stuff. And so the humility behind the confidence is, I really worked for those 27 team members, man, that’s what motivates me, and not those, but like the 50, you know, and a couple years and the 75. And it really just making an impact in our space. 


Shawn Zajas  15:35 

I love that. Like, I think that’s why sudo 88 is such a presence, because it’s not a one man show, you might have these amazing strengths. But to me, it just sounds like you are almost like that servant leader that cares so much about developing the people around you, and being a team that functions just to serve and make the practices that you work with better. You know, and you can see through and through there is that alignment there is that integrity. Now, tell me, is there a mindset that you had to shed? You said you started this when you’re 38? It seems like you already had learned a lot by that point in time. So what was a mindset or belief set that you had to shed in order to get to where you were at when you started? Studio? 88? 


Joshua Scott  16:18 

Man, that’s a that’s a really, really good question. I think what I’ll tell you, one of the ones early on was just the way I saw other people run businesses and realizing we could do things the way we want to and still run a successful business. And one of the examples was I remember my business partner, and I, his name’s Joe. We were kind of like, we were hiring our first team members. And we were looking at like renting some office space. And it was kind of like, do you want to be in the office every day? No. Do you want to be in the office every day? No. So like, Okay, how do we hire a team if neither of us because him and I both had pretty mobile at that point, independent, autonomous, working relationships. And we’d always kind of work like that. So I was like, I’m not babysitting team members Monday through Friday. Like that is not how we’re going to run a business. And so we implemented this, like, hey, we need to get on Mondays. That’s kind of the minimal viable product for us as a team is, it’s Mondays, it’s meetings, we prioritize that everybody’s there. And then the rest of the week, people can work remote, and we don’t babysit people, we hire people that are driven or, you know, can can work autonomously and independently. And we have a deadline, you know, like a project management application with deadlines. And so you meet deadlines, you do great work. We’re all awesome. So I think like that mindset of how do we want to run a business? Well, it’s always everybody’s Monday through Friday in office. Okay. Do we have to do that? So that was definitely one. 


Shawn Zajas  17:54 

Well, I think that in doing things that way, that was unique to you. It helps you identify like, Hey, this is kind of who we are, you know, like the essence of the way we do things. So I bet that helped you even identify like when you’re working with practices. This is how you can either do dentistry on your terms, or this is how you already have, let’s tell that story. So I’m sure you guys actually living it has given you that perspective that helps you identify in the practices even that you serve. Now, tell me Is there is there a limiting belief that you see in certain practices where you can kind of tell, maybe they’re not a good fit with for us when they come to you? And all of a sudden they go through that process? Is there any like yellow flag where you’re like, ooh, they either may not be ready, or they just may not be a fit? 


Joshua Scott  18:45 

Yeah, no, we’ve we’ve identified that over the years. And there’s certain kinds of you know, we say no to and what a lot of what some people know about us, but a lot of people don’t we actually cap our new clients every month. So we only take a limited amount. And right now this year and 2023. It’s eight new clients a month like so. So May was done on May 4, we had eight new clients already queued up. We’re done right now. I think we’ve got four for June and we’re on May 19, or something right now. So so we’re very it’s not that we’re selective, but we’re definitely trying to get a value more of a values fit, right. And I think anybody who’s looking for urgent marketing is typically not a good fit. In fact, I’m a big believer. I’m like, you know, marketing’s not, it’s not magic fairy dust. It’s not you know, magic beans are going to put the ground and get a great big beanstalk next day. And so if you’re looking like if you need new patients like tomorrow, we’re probably not going to be the right company for you. If you want a partner to help build your business over the next couple years, like we’re gonna be a great fit for that. So I think that’s one and I think your Shawn you see this too. It’s marketing is part of running a successful business. When it’s literally the only thing, like, then that’s a big red flag as well. When it’s like everything’s marketing’s fault, everything, like we just have to mark it and throw money at stuff to solve a problem. And yet the patient experience isn’t good. The phones being answered are awesome. There’s not great chemistry, you know, in the practice, like, like, all the everything else is not hitting, marketing will not solve that. So I think sometimes if we overestimate what it can do, even if like, Hey, we’re willing to throw 60 grand at it, I’m like, Hey, bro, that’s not gonna solve your problem. Building a business is complicated. There are a lot of pieces. And so, yeah, we tend to not be a great fit with those either. 


Shawn Zajas  20:39 

Well, yeah, I can imagine, at times, again, because dentistry is unprepared, largely for what goes into making a practice or business great, simply because it’s like, Would I rather have a dentist that continues to get CEE for clinical aspects of dentistry, or just becomes expert? At the business side, I want them to be great at teeth. That’s why I’m going to them. So yeah, I can imagine that you get some people that, that think that marketing is that magic bullet and not realizing well, no, you have to have alignment in your practice, you know, you need to treat your team, right. And do good for the patient and have a story that’s even worth sharing. Like, you have to live that it’s you 


Joshua Scott  21:27 

know, I mean, it goes back to marketing is, is magnifying a message. And if if the message or like the culture, the story of the business isn’t isn’t awesome, but we’re gonna go magnify that marketing can actually create problems, you know, so there’s some times where it’s just like, are you ready to come to market and, and if you do, like, just making sure that those dollars aren’t wasted on investments all, you know, everything’s in line, like, hey, that it’s this kind of thought of, you can run Google ads, but they’re running back to a website. So we want to make sure the website looks awesome, right to maximize that investment. And then the website stripe is supposed to get them the call. So we want to make sure those phones are being answered in the right way and getting them and then when we get them in, we want the new patient experience is so you’re trying to make sure all those things line up. But if the website doesn’t look good, the phones are not being answered, great. And it’s not an awesome patient experience. Dude, you can you can magnify that, that message, it’s not going to work well. So the our best clients are these ones. I love it when they say we’re probably the community’s best kept secret, because we’ve never done any marketing. And it tells me you’ve grown a good practice, you have a great patient experience. All it’s you’ve grown off of word of mouth, internal referrals, which is amazing, builds the best foundation possible. Now you want to come to us to go, hey, it’s time we share our stories time, a little bit more aggressive on my 100% There’s a great story there, we can put words to it, magnify that it’s a win win. 


Shawn Zajas  22:54 

I think that makes so much sense. So if someone listening right now isn’t exactly there? Do you guys have any resources? Or where would you suggest someone goes to kind of get all their ducks in a row? Not all their ducks. But you know what I’m saying like to do work hand in hand with any consultant company companies that you refer to or you got great friends 


Joshua Scott  23:15 

out there. You know, what if that was a situation? I would there’s definitely some places I’d refer probably, depending on the need. You know, it’s the other part of it is knowing as a business owner, it’s like, we’re talking about this? Well, it’s like you’ve got 18 Different kinds of things, gears, knobs, you’re turning. And sometimes it’s just like, okay, marketing these a little bit cool. Now our patient experience things up a little bit now that we need to pay attention to phones now. You know, hygiene risk, like repairs. So you’re just it’s like you give attention, you just keep making everything get better. I don’t know if there’s a perfect time to just go Okay, now we’re absolutely perfectly ready to do marketing. I think it’s just kind of raising the levels as you go. 


Shawn Zajas  23:58 

No, that that totally makes sense. So Josh, I want to know, in the last 10 years, 15 years, when is a time where things didn’t work out, or maybe almost like that idea, like a dark night of the soul where you really were just like, oh my gosh, I don’t know, there’s not certainty. The future doesn’t look clear. Because I’m curious how you got out of it. Because you’re here today. You’re doing a great job. You have a really successful company. But I’d love to know, just a snapshot of when when things didn’t look so good and how you handled that. 


Joshua Scott  24:31 

Oh, man. Yeah, and these are the things people don’t see. Right. But um, yeah, I remember. We tried to build ours. I’ve done sales, gosh, seven and a half, eight years at a company so like from day one they just recently last 18 months. It was me every every new client came through me, which is fine. That’s not really building a business though. That’s just You know, me frontman of the company, so yeah, took two shots at it with with two young men. And we always like we pull people in from the creative talent side. And we’re like, hey, we can teach you dentistry, you just need a certain level of talent. So I was approaching sales like that to like, hey, if we see some talent there, let’s bring it in, I can teach you the sales side, neither of those worked out. And through those times, when when I go into on something, that’s hard. I know, I don’t like to lose much less kind of back to back on the same field. So what I had to kind of look deep and go, I think we’re looking at this wrong, I think it’s actually and this was, so this was a confidence thing to I don’t want this to sound arrogant, but it was like, the level that I was performing sales at, it was not the right solution was not to go get somebody with no experience to fill that role. It was too important of a role, it was too sophisticated of a role. So we kind of changed our mindset. And when we need to go actually polls like that. So we had to go to like, we got to recruit like we actually need to go find somebody who is like performing at a high level, because I was who knows our values, who has dental experience and sales experience, because this is a unique role. So we almost had to kind of validate the role, which I was like, I’m like, Hey, man, I can teach anybody anything, what I do is not that big of a deal, like, come on in. And I think it was just that was a mindset switch. I think my team going, this is a really big deal. I think we need to find somebody, it’s a really big deal. So, you know, that was one dude. COVID was another just shutting down. That was crazy. You know, and then just we probably the last, I don’t know, we lose, you know, clients to competitors. And, and I never liked that. And that’s just really had to push us to be better as a business and figure out like, why are we losing clients? How can we? What can we do better? And so you have some really kind of low moments with that. But if you let it make you better and just go okay, objectively, is this right? Yes, it is. Okay, what can we do about that? Well, we could do this. Well, are we willing to make that investment? Yes. Okay, then let’s, it’s, we’re gonna have a growth curve here. But we’re going to come out of it. And I think we’re kind of out of some of that now that we’ve, we’ve really grown as a company, we’re super proud of ourselves for it. Yeah, and so so those are some that just come to mind. 


Shawn Zajas  27:34 

You know, over the last 18 months, it sounds like studio 88 has really kicked it up a notch. And I just even want to applaud you like as a business owner, to go from like, I’m comfortable. I know, sales, I’m a relationship. I love relationships, I’m great in that place. And all of a sudden, trust someone else into that place so that you can step back and do what only you can do and help scale the company, which is why you have 27 people right now, like that’s no small thing. You know, some people never make that leap. Because they need to keep their hands on things, because they feel like if they don’t, it’s gonna fall apart. And you were able to replicate the success that you were having like that. That’s unbelievable. Yeah. Where’s studio ADA going in the next three to five years? 


Joshua Scott  28:20 

Yeah, great question. I’m gonna, I want to say something there. It’s, it’s really, I think, as a business owner, especially at the CEO level, you have to always be aware of opportunity costs. And what I mean by that is, when I’m selling, when I’m on the phone, you know, 4050 times a month with potential new clients, there’s part of that you can look at it and go, that’s awesome. I’m driving revenue, we’re growing the company, that became to the point where it was like, but what am I not doing? Because I have to do this. And that’s a really hard thing. Because it’s conceptual, like you actually don’t know what that thing is, you know, there’s part of like, well, if I had 30 hours back every week, what would I do? Well, I don’t know. And so it’s kind of this weird thing that’s out there. But you in even doing this with other members on your team? What’s the opportunity cost with them staying in this role? Like what are they not able to do? And for me, I had to come back to like, it’s high value, SEO stuff, it’s leadership, it’s speaking it’s being more of a frontman, it’s stuff like this interviews and podcasts. And that actually exponentially helps grow the company more. And so sales wise, it looks like a high producing the highest producing part of the team was actually limiting. And so I think that that’s, that’s it’s like asking yourself at certain points and seasons, am I missing something? What am I not doing because I’m doing this and then having the guts to probably go make that that change? So So yeah, we the next three to five years now. I’ll tell you we’re in this kind of new season. I was just telling our team this the past couple weeks as we’ve been getting together. I feel like chapter one. Studio 88 We kind of, we’ve kind of flipped the new chapter here in the last year and chapter one was really over indexing on the creative getting attention with our photography, or video or design, telling better stories, all those things, I would tell you the biggest criticism of us, if your competitors are out there, and they do this all the time, they’ll they’ll tell people, beautiful websites, they won’t score well. And so dentistry for the whole has had to kind of make a decision, like, do we want a beautiful story driven website? Or do we want one that’s going to score well that Google is going to index and get good SEO on. And so you know, it’s one of those things where as you’re building a business, you can’t do everything great. So we went more the creativity because everything was on the other side. So we’re like, Hey, let’s go this way. But over the last year, we’ve really, we’ve made some really great hires, to SEO specialists, digital ad specialists, social media specialists, and build out these other parts of our services, and even started to get data and analytics and reports to go. It’s what we’ve always believed a story driven website is going to score better, because humans are actually connecting with it, and engaging with it more and it’s building more trust, but now we’re getting analytics behind the data. So I’ve told the team I’m like, this is we kind of turned the chapter this is or maybe that was part one with with a bunch of chapters. But now this is like part two of the really the performance marketing with it to have not only just a beautiful website, Don’t diss it, but like there’s performance marketing behind it as well. And we’re super excited about that. 


Shawn Zajas  31:31 

Okay, so I have one question I’m going to close with but before that, if people like where do you want their eyeballs to go right now to hear about what you’re doing? What’s the best way for them to, to connect or to learn more? 


Joshua Scott  31:42 

Yeah, we’re all over social. I tell people I’m at Joshua Scott on Instagram is super easy. You can DM me, I’m still in that, like, nobody’s taken over that account. So you didn’t tell me you saw this this episode or the show? And I’ll message you back for sure. If you want learn more about studio Ada, our website is So it’s the letter S number eight letter E number You can check things out there and even get in touch with us either way. 


Shawn Zajas  32:08 

Okay, so here it is. You’re walking down the street. And in the distance, you see a younger version of yourself. So maybe you’re 15 years old, maybe you’re 18 years old. And you know, you’re just going to have one brief moment to share some sentiment with a younger version of yourself. What do you share? 


Joshua Scott  32:30 

Man, I know the answer to this. I would tell him believe in yourself. Because I do. Okay, it kind of gets me a little bit because I just I just know the answer. This is this is something I’ve like settled on of. Yeah, like, I tell myself this, like, every so often believe in yourself. Because I do I do believe in myself. But I also knows a lot of people around me that really believe in me. And when I when I when I’m doubting myself, it’s almost just like, bro, believe in yourself. You know, like, there’s a lot of people that do a lot of people got your back. So 


Shawn Zajas  33:12 

hey, men, and I just want to affirm that like, I do believe in you and Dentistry has absolutely believed in what you’re doing and what sudo ADA is doing, and the impact that you’re making. And just any way I can partner help support and just magnify the message that you’re spreading. Let me know I’m so in your corner. Josh. I just want to honor you again, just as an innovator as a pioneer. I love what you’re doing. Thank you so much for just spending the time with me on this interview today. Thanks, man. 


Joshua Scott  33:43 

It’s always good to be here. You asked really good questions. You know, sometimes I get on oftentimes I get on podcast and it’s kind of all about like, what a studio do you do? And how can you know and all that and so I really love this there were these are there were some questions here that have never been asked before which is always fun that just kind of provoke thought and go down that road. So I wish you the best for this project. And and same thing that anyway, we can ever help you. You know I’m here. 


Shawn Zajas  34:06 

Awesome. Hey, thanks 


Joshua Scott  34:07 

so much, Josh. Yeah, my pleasure. 


Shawn Zajas  34:12 

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